Gaetz to Seek McCarthy Ouster after Shutdown Drama

by John Solomon


Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz declared Sunday he will seek to oust Kevin McCarthy as House speaker after a drama-filled scramble to pass a federal budget forced a last-minute temporary spending bill that required Democrat votes to pass.

Gaetz, leader of a wing of fiscal conservatives that wanted all 12 federal agency spending bills passed instead of a continuing resolution, said McCarthy’s maneuvering on Saturday violated the deal he made in January to become speaker.

“I do intend to file a motion to vacate against Speaker McCarthy this week,” Gaetz  told CNN on Sunday morning.. “I think we need to rip off the band aid. I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy.”

Gaetz had threatened last week in an interview with Just the News to seek a motion to vacate against McCarthy if the speaker worked with Democrats on a temporary spending bill. 

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John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist, author and digital media entrepreneur who serves as Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief of Just the News. Before founding Just the News, Solomon played key reporting and executive roles at some of America’s most important journalism institutions, such as The Associated Press, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, Newsweek, The Daily Beast and The Hill.
Photo “Rep Matt Gaetz” by Gage Skidmore CC2.0.


Reprinted with permission from Just the News.

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5 Thoughts to “Gaetz to Seek McCarthy Ouster after Shutdown Drama”

  1. levelheadedconservative

    I disagree with your opinion here. Gaetz is standing on principle, trying to change the uni-party spending habits. If he (and the 90 others who voted against the stupid CR) don’t continue to do so, then we will as a nation soon be in a world of hurt. McCarthy has failed to live up to his promises. The GOP establishment keeps saying they will balance the budget in 10 years, and start reducing the debt in 15. We DO NOT have that long. There are several nations who have already started moving away from using the USD as their settlement currency and the number has been growing recently. The once Almighty Dollar will become totally devalued and we will face hyperinflation and austerity measures never imagined if the USD no longer is the world’s settlement, and reserve, currency.
    We need REAL leadership yesterday. McCarthy is not getting the job done. McConnell is not getting the job done. And, as everyone can see the Democrats are definitely getting the job done.
    We NEED more men and women of principle, like Gaetz and others, to stand up to the establishment or we are all going to face unimaginable (for the USA) hardships.

  2. Greg

    Gaetz Is a narcissistic idiot. McCarthy is doing the best he can with the likes of him posturing and preening. Gaetz will be working with AOC and the alarm puller to get what he wants.

  3. Randy

    The American people are responsible for all of this. Failure to exercise your right to vote is a failure to meet your civic responsibility. We self govern. It has become very difficult to do so, simply because we have let self interested individuals remain in leadership for far to long. Serving in public office is a sacrifice not a conduit for personal profit.

  4. levelheadedconservative

    @Joe Blow – I agree!

    We need results, not the empty promises that House Republicans have been giving for so long. Republicans need to have real leadership in the House and Senate. It is time to remove both so-called leaders in those bodies and in 2024 re-elect the only Republican President who consistently delivered on his promises in the past 34 years.

  5. Joe Blow

    Why didn’t McCarthy do his job and get all of the appropriations bills written and passed since he took over the house. I believe that is what he agreed to when he was elected Speaker. He had months and months to get it done. And when it was not done at the start of August he sent everyone home for 5-6 weeks. Bad leadership.
